Hill Top WI, Turners Hill,

New members always welcome

Monthly Meeting Explained

Each monthly meeting starts with reports from the President and Secretary of forthcoming events around the area, updates on matters concerning our WI, birthday wishes for members and general information. There is a notice board where you can put your name on a list for any of the activities you are interested in.

This is followed by a Speaker or activity (see Programme of Events), refreshments and general socialising, raffle and winner of competition.

Yearly subs are paid in April and in 2024/2025 this will be £48.00. From this we pay for Speakers, the hall etc.

We donate 50p each meeting for tea/coffee. Tea Hostesses, on a rota, provide light refreshments.

There is a competition each month, usually related to the Speaker subject. In previous years they have included a floral photo, a bell, an unusual kitchen gadget, so a fun accessible completion for all to enter. The winner is decided by members placing coins on their favourite and the item with the most money wins. This money goes into the ‘flower fund’ which is used for any member for whom it is appropriate to send flowers.

Raffle tickets are 50p each and donations of prizes are welcome.

Potential new members are very welcome to come along to 2 meetings as a guest, before they decide to join. We offer a ‘buddy’ system so that a new member will always have someone to sit with and talk to and can be met outside if they would like company to come into the meeting with. For information and to organise this, please contact

Mary Deacon, Secretary, 01342 715 303 or Email: mail@marydeacon.co.uk